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Retention policy in a sentence

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Sentence count:20Posted:2021-01-01Updated:2021-01-01
Similar words: population policyretention periodaction potentialretention timeretentionforeign policyurinary retentionpolicy evaluation
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1 They work with class or runtime retention policy.
2 A document retention policy that includes automatically deleting emails and electronic files, without also wiping the underlying data in those emails and files, is, however, simply not rational.
3 Email retention policy is an important aspect of regulatory compliance in the enterprise.
4 A document retention policy includes both deleting and wiping electronic documents, however, is not without concerns.
5 A document retention policy that includes both deleting and wiping electronic documents, however, is not without concerns.
6 Adherence to the record retention policy is dictated by the increasing costs of storage and the cost of discovery when litigation arises.
7 Records retention policy: Such a policy establishes guidelines for handling, backing up and archiving documents. These guidelines foster good record keeping procedures that promotes data integrity.
8 When the disk space limit is approached, the Oracle server can delete nonessential files to make room for new files, subject to the limitations of the RMAN retention policy.
9 E-Mail Rules offers guidelines for disposing of records in accordance with written retention policy.
10 The generators are typically rely on container or other programming convention and they work with any retention policy.
11 They may require instead taking the goals of the desired document retention policy into account when designing the computer system.
12 It is, of course, not wrongful for a manager to instruct his employees to comply with a valid document retention policy under ordinary circumstances.
13 Snapshots do not have to be explicitly taken but are instead based on the retention policy you specify for any given HAMMER filesystem.
14 Under ordinary circumstances, it is not wrongful for a manager to instruct his employees to comply with a valid document retention policy.
15 Procedures for eliminating or minimizing these additional sources of electronic information often go beyond the scope of a conventional document retention policy.
16 It typically relies on the container or other programming convention and requires runtime retention policy.
17 While courts have not specifically opined on the appropriateness of data wiping as part of a document retention policy, there is no reason to suspect that a court would find it improper.
18 It also makes it possible to retain metadata at source code level in class files,[] and at runtime controlled by a retention policy.
19 Participate in release of new applications or databases, ensuring proper system validation document procedures have been followed and all document stored according to document retention policy.
20 Enter a file name for the Block Change Tracking file. Then scroll down to the Retention Policy section.
More similar words: population policyretention periodaction potentialretention timeretentionforeign policyurinary retentionpolicy evaluationpretentiouspretentiouslyunpretentiouspretentiousnessdetentionaccounting policydetention centrepublic opinion pollendowment policydetention campmanagement policyretentivepublic policynonpoliticalpolicyretentivityretentivenesstax policylife policywage policypolicy holdercompany policy
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